Everyday Disguises Solution

by Ata Gurpinar

The disguises are as follows (to aid with solving, unlike a traditional Celebrity Disguises puzzle, the vowel-consonant patterns also match the identity's individual word lengths):

Group 1
Adamantine Dribble
Ambulance Driver (same initials)
Bad Cursive
Scuba Diver (anagram)
Begin Obliquely
Sales Associate (v/c pattern)
Billowing Diapers
Ballroom Dancer (same initials)
Brine Wedges
Web Designer (anagram)
Concluding Sausage
College Student (same initials)
Deprive Vermin
Lottery Winner (v/c pattern)
Dingbats Worries
Dog Walker (same initials)
Freshwater Clothing
Fashion Critic (example: Initials)
Good Citrus
Team Mascot (v/c pattern)
Masterpiece Childish
Museum Curator (same initials)
Group 2
Doberman Collar
Ballroom Dancer (anagram)
Glade Work
Dog Walker (anagram)
Got Powerful
Web Designer (v/c pattern)
Ironic Catfish
Fashion Critic (example: anagram)
Liguini Wonderland
Lottery Winner (same initials)
Martini Tremors
College Student (v/c pattern)
Mucous Erratum
Museum Curator (anagram)
Numerical Adverb
Ambulance Driver (anagram)
Oasis Escalates
Sales Associate (anagram)
Proxy Quran
Scuba Diver (v/c pattern)
Tamest Coma
Team Mascot (anagram)
Group 3
Mermaid Scales
Fashion Critic (example: pattern)
Nettled Glucose
College Student (anagram)
Octahedra Static
Ambulance Driver (v/c pattern)
Only Rewritten
Lottery Winner (anagram)
Reload Bikinis
Museum Curator (v/c pattern)
Sicklier Jigsaw
Ballroom Dancer (v/c pattern)
Simplistic Dollars
Scuba Diver (same initials)
Stereotypical Arthritis
Sales Associate (same initials)
Truthfully Muscular
Team Mascot (same initials)
Wallpaper Dirigible
Web Designer (same initials)
Wax German
Dog Walker (v/c pattern)

When the identities are put into alphabetical order, one can see that their disguises across the three groups are both an alphabetical order and in non-decreasing order of star count. These two details may aid some solvers in identifying all the disguises. The total shaded stars for each identity add up to a number less than or equal the length of the identity, indicating that it should be taken as an index into the identity. The example identity, Fashion Critic, can be treated as a word break, because it has no stars.

AMBULANCE DRIVER Adamantine Dribble
Numerical Adverb
Octahedra Static
5 Stars L
BALLROOM DANCER Billowing Diapers
Doberman Collar
Sicklier Jigsaw
6 Stars O
COLLEGE STUDENT Concluding Sausage
Martini Tremors
Nettled Glucose
13 Stars N
DOG WALKER Dingbats Worries
Glade Work
Wax German
8 Stars E
FASHION CRITIC Freshwater Clothing Ironic Catfish Mermaid Scales 0 Stars [ ]
Liguini Wonderland
Only Rewritten
8 Stars W
MUSEUM CURATOR Masterpiece Childish
Mucous Erratum
Reload Bikinis
12 Stars O
Oasis Escalates
Stereotypical Arthritis
3 Stars L
Proxy Quran
Simplistic Dollars
8 Stars V
Tamest Coma
Truthfully Muscular
2 Stars E
Got Powerful
Wallpaper Dirigible
6 Stars S

And so reading the extracted letter in order spells the solution LONE WOLVES.